Lanham-Love Galbraith-Van Reenen

Lanham-Love Galbraith-Van Reenen

Lanham-Love Galbraith-Van Reenen


Phone: +27 11 268 6565
Fax: +27 86 768 6565
Business Hours: 8:30am – 5pm
Post: PO Box 55711, Northlands, 2116
Email: [email protected]
Property Team Whatsapp: +27 82 056 0634


Social Media


LLGV was created in 2021 from Lanham-Love Attorneys and Galbraith Attorneys respectively.

Lanham-Love Attorneys was originally founded in 2003 by Bobby Lanham-Love and Galbraith Attorneys in 2006 by Traci Galbraith-van Reenen.

LLGV is an innovative law firm, where we embrace change as a means to remain relevant in a dynamic industry. Strategically located in both Saxonwold and Lanseria, close to many of our corporate clients, LLGV has a proven ability to service the legal needs of both large and small companies. We have acquired expertise and experience in numerous niche industries.

We pride ourselves on our client-focused, personable and results-driven approach as well as our combination of legal acumen and business savvy. As a leading Johannesburg law firm, we invest significant time and resources in understanding our clients’ business needs. This enables us to position LLGV as a leading provider of tailored legal solutions.

Why choose Lanham-Love Galbraith-van Reenen Attorneys?

LLGV has become synonymous with delivering specialised, boutique legal services. We maintain a personal touch and seek to build long-term relationships with all our clients. Our hard-earned reputation for excellence, integrity and quality legal service transcends traditional client expectations.

The strength of our team lies in its diversity: a combination of years of experience and fresh, progressive thinking, working in unison to provide dynamic legal solutions. Our service offering is constantly evolving to meet the needs of our clients in uncertain times.