Energy & Environmental Law

News & insights regarding energy & environmental law

This topic contains articles related to energy law and environmental law, spanning from oil and gas, to renewable and alternative energy, environmental protection laws, carbon tax, as well as legislation, regulatory bodies, cases, and recent developments in those fields.

master plan
Draft Gas Master Plan has been drawn up

The Draft Gas Master Plan has been drawn up. The mineral resources and energy department published the Draft Master Plan in Government Gazette 50569 for comment. Cabinet gave the green light to the Draft Master Plan in March 2024 for publication for comment. In a statement,…
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NCOP seeks comment on Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill

The national council of provinces (NCOP) seeks comment on the Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill. The national assembly (NA) gave the green light to the bill and sent it to the NCOP for concurrence last week. The bill was tabled in parliament in August 2023. The…
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