Avoiding the pitfalls of non-compliance

non compliance 1
08 Jun 2017

The dynamic nature of a democracy means that government must constantly adapt to a changing political, economic and societal climate. The only way to do this effectively is to pass new laws, to amend existing laws, and to repeal or abolish old laws. This means constant change. In fact, over 7000 Acts have been passed into law since 1910. This number does not consider the many other parliamentary documents that are generated in the governance of the country – from speeches, statements, presentations to policy documents including Green and White Papers, draft Bills, Bills and Government Gazettes.

This ever-changing landscape is fraught with potential concerns for all businesses, who need to keep their finger on the pulse of changing regulations and compliance. Reducing liability and business risk is only possible through access to accurate, current and reliable information. Sabinet serves as the eyes and ears of businesses by delivering accurate and up to date information on all government policies and legislative development – all from a single, reliable source.

On the 14th of June, Sabinet will be hosting a conference to share their long-standing experience and expertise in the legal sector. The conference will unpack the importance of keeping up-to- date with the latest legislation as well as the potential impacts of not being compliant with the law.

The conference is further complemented by guest speaker Alec Hogg who will uncover and give insight into the current South African landscape and its impact on businesses. A must for regulatory and compliance officers, legal departments in all sectors and CEO’s.

For more information about this event, please click here.

To book your place, email [email protected] or click here.

(This article is provided for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. For more information on the topic, please contact the author/s or the relevant provider.)

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