Juta’s Index and Annotations to the South African Criminal Law Reports

criminal law reports
06 May 2019

About this publication:

Juta’s Index and Annotations to the South African Criminal Law Reports (2016-2018) is the primary and most comprehensive repository of criminal case law in print and is indispensable to criminal law practitioners. It supplements the 1990 to 2015 consolidated index, which is available separately.

Key benefits:

  • The subject index has been refined and streamlined, with added cross-references to enable thorough research and fast location of cases on topic.
  • A table of cases alphabetically arranges all cases from 2016 to 2018, with citations.
  • Case annotations inform the reader how a case has been subsequently cited, e g followed, applied, reversed on appeal.
  • Legislation considered enables research into cases that pertinently discuss or interpret sections of Acts.

Contents include:

  • Table of cases
  • Case annotations
    • Southern African cases
    • Foreign cases
  • Legislation judicially considered
    • Alphabetical list of short titles of Acts
    • Chronological list of annotated statutes
  • Subject index (alphabetically arranged fly-notes)

Of interest and benefit to:

  • Advocates
  • Attorneys
  • Judges
  • Magistrates
  • Prosecutors
  • Libraries
  • Legal advisers
  • Legal academics
  • Government departments

General Information

  • Edition: 2016-2018
  • Available: April 2019
  • Author: Juta’s Law Reports Editors
  • ISBN: 978 1 48513 399 5
  • Format: Print (soft cover)
  • Extent: 168 pages
  • Retail price: R245
    (Price incl. 15% VAT and is valid until 30 June 2019. Excludes
    courier delivery.)

Click here to purchase your copy.

See also:

(This article is provided for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. For more information on the topic, please contact the author/s or the relevant provider.)
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