Herman Mashaba – The high net worth entrepreneur managing Johannesburg

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22 Aug 2016

Herman Mashaba has long been known as the entrepreneur who founded Black Like Me skin care company. The high net worth businessman has recently been elected as Mayor. He’s rumored to be worth around $100m, so it’s unlikely he is doing it for the money. So what is his vision?

Regardless of what you think of the man, it certainly seems he has given much thought to how he wants to govern the city. As time passes since his appointment, we are starting to get a sense of his style and strategy. In addition, since January of this year he has published well over 20 articles on Daily Maverick setting out a plan for how he intends to govern.

Tackling topics from non-racialism, tourism, fighting drug abuse, early childhood education, energy, housing, police and many others, the series of articles makes for interesting reading.

Some have questioned the DA’s decision to nominate the politically inexperienced Mashaba to the mayoral post of Africa’s richest city, but at the very least Mashaba seems to have made a solid effort at formulating a strong, transparent strategy for governance in the city.

Here is his first article entitled –“All our problems have a common thread: Government failure to make good on the promise of a non-racial economy”

From that article page, look at the right column under the heading “More by Herman Mashaba”

Herman Mashaba - Entrepreneur and mayor

Don’t forget to “Click for More” in order to reveal all 26 of the articles

click for more

I want the city to be known as South Africa’s city of opportunities […] If Johannesburg works, South Africa works – Herman Mashaba

(This article is provided for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. For more information on the topic, please contact the author/s or the relevant provider.)