Commission initiates investigation against Johnson & Johnson (Pty) Ltd and Janssen Pharmaceutica (Pty) Ltd

22 Sep 2023

In response to media queries, the Competition Commission (Commission) confirms that on 12 September 2023, the Competition Commissioner in terms of section 49B(1) of the Competition Act 89 of 1998, as amended (“the Act”) initiated a complaint against Johnson & Johnson (Pty) Ltd and its subsidiary company Janssen Pharmaceutica (Pty) Ltd (collectively referred to as “the Respondents”).

The initiation is based on information in the Commission’s possession that gives rise to a reasonable suspicion that the Respondents may have engaged in exclusionary practices and excessive pricing in the provision of Bedaquiline (trading as Sirturo®) which is a drug used in the treatment of tuberculosis (“TB”).

This conduct may be in possible contravention of sections 8(1)(c) and 8(1)(a) of the Act. The matter is currently under investigation and as such, the Commission will not be accepting any media engagement in relation thereto, until the matter is finalised.

Article sourced from The Competition Commission South Africa.

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