Wills, Estates & Trusts

Latest Wills, Estates & Trusts News:

This topic contains news and insights which examine legislation and case law concerning intestate and testate succession, wills, estate planning, inter vivos and mortis causa trusts, and the taxation of trusts.

social media profiles
The digital dead

Where do our social media profiles go when we die? We all know that our social media profiles remain active after we are gone. Do you want them to be available for your family and friends to remember you? Or do you want them, and all your data, deleted? These are latest additions…
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crypto assets
Dealing with crypto assets in your will

The creation and existence of a will ensures that you have certainty on how your assets will be divided amongst your beneficiaries. With the introduction of cryptocurrency, NFTs, tokenisation and blockchain technology, many South Africans have taken a shine to…
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