Running Your Practice

Latest Insights concerning Running your Legal Practice

Below are articles, features and library resources to support attorneys and legal advisors with running a successful legal practice. The articles contain expert guidance and support to start and manage a legal practice and learn key techniques for time and cost management.

Acting with determination

A journey to find happiness… The word “determination” means different things to different people. To some, the movie “Rocky” and his grueling training sessions which culminate in the now famous triumphant run up the stairs where he stands in a victory pose, arms …
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Seeking Affirmation

A journey to find happiness… When we are growing up in the world and trying to find our place in it, believing in oneself comes more...

Living with purpose

A journey to find happiness… What is purpose? And how do we live with it? These are questions we have all probably asked ourselves at one point...

Beyond motivation

Where to from here? March has been all about motivation – why it’s important, how to get there and (importantly) how to stay there. And it’s not...

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